1. Download Autocad and run setup.exe
2. Once setup.exe begins you can create an admin installation do this. We'll use c:\admin for this.
3. Pick the Autocad features you want, it will create an install with everything pre-configured.
4. Create a simple batch file to install AutoCAD(we'll use this in PDQ deploy), save this as install.bat
(in the pro version of PDQ deploy you can type this directly into the console-without the comment line-) DO NOT USE /qn, it fails for some reason. /q or /qb both work.
::This batch file will run on the remote computer replace server with your servername and
::Shared folder with your shared folder.
\\server\sharedfolder\admin\img\Setup.exe /W /q /I \\server\sharedfolder\admin\img\autocad2017.ini /language en-us
5. In PDQ Deploy you should create a new package and duplicate the settings in this screenshot. I just named it AutoCAD. Close and Save this.
7. Choose the computers you want the files moved to, press the Deploy Now button. I had a list of computers already setup. The installs will take about 25 minutes.
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